For the first time ever I grew Daikon Radish and whoa what a radish. It does take a little longer than other radish but it is well worth the wait. It is perfect for all salads and great for a pickle but with this lot I thought I would make a Kimchi...


Whats in it

1/2               Wombok Cabbage
1/2 cup         Salt Flakes
12 cups         Cold water
2                   Daikon Radish, julienned
4                   Shallots, cut into 2cm pieces
2tblsps          Kashmiri chilli powder or Korean red pepper powder
1/4 cup         Fish sauce
1/4 cup         Fresh Ginger, minced
1 tblsp          Garlic, minced
2 tsps           Shrimp paste or Korean salted shrimp, minced
2tblsps         Sugar

What to do

Cut the cabbage crosswise into 2cm pieces discarding the root end. Place in a large bowl and sprinkle with salt. Stir together then add the water so it just covers the cabbage. Cover with plastic wrap and leave at room temperature for 12-24hrs.

Strain cabbage in a colander and rinse with cold water, leave to drain. In another bowl add all other ingredients and mix together with your hands.

Pack a 2litre jar with Kimchi, squeezing tightly to remove air bubbles and securing with a tight fitting lid.

 Leave to ferment in a cool dark place for 24 hours (the mixture will start to bubble). Open jar and let out the gas, then reseal and refrigerate for at least 48 hours before eating. Kimchi is best left for a week in the fridge before eating and can then be kept for around a month, but mine never last that long.
Cabbage Kimchi


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