Well I must say I am loving this rain but my laundry is piling up Aaarrgh! So instead of doing the washing I am going to make a curry paste. Now this paste is quite time consuming so pick a day like today. I get most of the ingredients off my garden so I can make it at short notice and I make a huge batch and freeze in cube trays. I had this curry at my sisterinlaws years ago and begged for the recipe which she gave me and I use it all the time, it is a favourite in my household.
It is based on a curry from The Spirit House but I have left out a few ingredients that are hard to find and you cannot tell the difference.. Have a go as you will not regret it.

Chiang Mai Curry Paste

10                         long red dried chillies
1 tblsps                coriander seed roasted
2 tsps                   cumin seeds
4                           cloves
3                           star anise
2                           cardamon pods
3cm                      cassia bark or cinnamon stick
1 tblsp                  galangal chopped
1 tblsp                  fresh tumeric chopped
1 tblsp                  ginger chopped
4 stalks                 lemongrass, white part only chopped
1/2 cup                  red shallot chopped finely
1/2 cup                 garlic finely chopped

To make the paste

Soak chillies in hot water for around 10 minutes then drain and finely chop.

Put the coriander, cloves and cumin seeds in a pan and dry fry over a gentle heat until brittle and fragrant.

Put the star anise, cardamon pods and cassia bark in a moderate oven and roast for 10 minutes until the spices are brittle.

Pound together all spices in a mortar and pestle. Add the chillies, galangal, tumeric, ginger and lemongrass and pound well. Add the finely chopped shallots and garlic and pound to a smooth paste.

Scoop into ice trays and freeze. I made sure there was about 2 tsps in each cube.

pounding paste

For the Curry

4 tblsps                  vegetable oil
2 tsps or 1 cube     Chaing Mai curry paste
1kg                         beef skirt cut into cubes
12                           small golden shallots peeled and left whole
4                             cloves of garlic crushed
75g                         shredded ginger
4 tblsps                  palm sugar
4 tblsps                  fish sauce
4 tblsps                  tamarind water
2 cups                    chicken stock

To make the curry

Heat the vegetable oil in a wok and fry the curry paste for a few minutes until fragrant. Add the beef and fry to sear meat. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for 2 hours or so until the meat is tender and sauce is reduced and oily.


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